There are many ways you, your community group, school or business can get involved in helping Minehead grow as a Plastic Free Town. If you are from outside Minehead (elsewhere in West Somerset or further afield) you may want to get Plastic Free Community status for your town, parish or area.

Real change will only happen if as many of us as possible start making changes in our own behaviours or consumer choices. You can become more active in many ways:
Join our steering group (event organising, social media, website, admin)
Get involved in national campaigns run by organisations such as
Surfers Against Sewage
Keep Britain Tidy
Marine Conservation Society
Attend a local beach clean- see our Facebook page or check the events page
Individual litter picks/beach cleans.
Join other social media pages for handy hints on plastic free living such as @PlasticFreeJuly, @CitytoSea, @EverydayPlastic.
Community Groups
Plastic Free Minehead is always on the look-out for new community allies to join our campaign. Why not ask if your group, society or organisation would like to get involved. You could:
Organise your own event, beach clean, litter pick, film night or talk. You could raise money for a plastic free charity?
Make sure you are as plastic free as possible in how you run your group or organisations - you can find out more about plastic free alternatives to items you might use like cups or cutlery on our business pages
Set up ‘plastics working group’ and/or delegate a ‘rep’ from your group to join the Plastic Free Minehead Steering group
Contact us if you’d like us to visit you to give a talk or to help you in any way on your plastic free journey. We may be able to lend your litter picking kit and can advise on planning a beach clean or litter pick
Whether you are a teacher, governor, pupil or partent why not ask your school if they would like to do more to become plastic free? There are various local and national schemes and awards that they could sign up which might help them on their journey:
Surfers Against Sewage: Plastic Free Schools
Ecoschools (includes topics on litter and waste)
European Blue Schools project
There are also local providers who can provide learning resources and organise workshops or trips:
Marine Conservation Society
Somerset Wildlife Trust
Litter Free Coast and Sea Somerset
Carymoor Environmental Trust
See our Plastic Free Businesses page
If you are from outside Minehead, there are other SAS Plastic Free Communities in West Somerset you can join
- Plastic Free Watchet
- Plastic Free Porlock Vale
- Plastic Free Exmoor
Or you may wish to register your own village, town or area to get Plastic Free status. The existing Plastic Free Communities in West Somerset are very happy to help you with this. Contact us for details or find out more directly from Surfers Against Sewage